Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to Blogger Life!

Wow!  My very first blog E-V-E-R!  I have had this blog set up now for a few weeks but I had not yet posted anything. I did everything else first... I designed it, played around with it over and over again, struggled to understand how to create the 'Pages Tab' (but thanks to my dear friend Kelly I was able to figure it out!).... well, like I said, I did literally EVERYTHING before submiting my first post.  Call it "stage fright" or what you will, but finally here it is!  THE FIRST POST!

I don't really consider myself a 'computer savy' person and this whole 'blog building thing' is a lot harder than it sounds.  But because I am SO PASSIONATE about my new business and because I BELIEVE in it, I have worked really hard for the past weeks to make this a reality.  So... I am very proud to present you BRIGADEIRO HEAVEN!  A dream which has come to life and that will stick around for many years to come!  And what I find most rewarding and touching is that once I have shared 'my dream' with my family and friends, they have given me EVERYTHING I could have asked for, from support, to advice, to helping me with the design of the logo, to positive feedback, to doing 'supplies shopping all the way in Brazil' (thanks Mom, you're awesome!), and to 'brainstorming sessions' with my brother all the way from London (love you JP!).  There were also some 'special taste testers' who were willing to try something new and give us their opinions! Lisa, Mary, Viv, Vanessa, Gyll and Michelle, you guys are awesome! I have experienced the most beautiful form of 'team work' in the making of this business and I will always remember it.

I have many goals for my business and tons of ideas that come to my mind everyday, but for now I can say 'I am so happy with how far we've come in these few weeks".  One step at a time, and we WILL GET THERE!  We have many different types and flavors of BRIGADEIROS, we can customize them to your party theme (as much as possible anyway!) and we would love to cater to your dinner parties, birthday parties, kids birthdays, graduation parties.... you name it!  You don't even need a special occasion to order from us!  You can be just craving BRIGADEIROS and want to order a box to bring to your colleagues at work.... anything goes!

So to end my very FIRST POST (I can't stop saying that!) I would like to give a very special thanks to two very special people who I couldn't have done it without: my business partner Melissa who is a great friend and is so excited about this business as I am, and to our sweet and dear friend Kelly who is the designer of our logo and who is the 'computer savy' one of the trio!  You girls are fantastic! And last but NOT LEAST, I would to thank my awesome husband Roland, who is SUPER SUPPORTIVE and always backs me in everything (and who did not mind being the initial INVESTOR for my business or potentially my 'go to' capital base!)... We'll talk later baby! Love you! ;)

I hope you decide to taste a 'little piece of heaven' soon by trying our BRIGADEIROS!  You just don't know what you're missing!



  1. YAY! I am so excited for your first post and so humbled by your sweet words! I am so happy to help and I love to support passionate women who want to achieve thier dreams! It's amazing how fast this has all come together. The reason I suppose is that your brigadeiros are INCREDIBLE. And that you are such an awesome person! Congrats on EVERYTHING! and I am always here for you!
    Your graphic designer. K
