Brigadeiro, also known as "Negrinho", was created in the decade of 1940 in Brazil and it is the most popular "sweet" served in almost every birthday party.
The original brigadeiro was made with condensed milk, powdered chocolate and butter. From that original recipe, a huge number of different types of brigadeiros were created. Nowadays, you can probably find over 30 different flavors and shapes of brigadeiros.
The most popular types are the actual "Brigadeiro" (made with chocolate), the White Brigadeiro (made with no chocolate), "Bem-Casado" (which is a combination of the brigadeiro and the white brigadeiro), "Beijinho" (made with shaved coconut) and "Cajuzinho" (made with peanuts).
The word Brigadeiro can also mean an "army rank" also known as Brigadeiro-General (or in English Brigadier-General).